The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135090   Message #3138216
Posted By: Jim Carroll
19-Apr-11 - 10:28 AM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim prejudice
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim prejudice
I really wasn't going to bother with this – I found your hypocritical, racist behaviour so sickening, but since you have invited me back, here is a summary of your performance on this thread to date.
Right from the beginning you has ignored and refused to answer points made by others, even to the extent of denying that they have ever been made. You have persistently insulted contributors to this thread by claiming that they have not provided the evidence he has demanded, while ignoring requests to provide information necessary to make any assessment.
You have driven people from this thread with this, with his constant repetition, and with his 'last man standing', technique, and when they leave he has claimed some sort of victory.
When your unsubstantiated claims have been challenged you have persistently scurried behind "don't blame me; I'm only the messenger".
You have deliberately misrepresented what others have said, and when you have been caught out you have blatantly denied having said what is down in black and white.
You have doctored your own evidence and provided four separate reasons for having done so before finally settling on a final one.
You have complained of contributors dual-posting when it is you who as always done this on this thread and others.
You have openly attempted to smear one contributor who has probably acted in a more principled way than any of us by providing information that apparently went against his own beliefs – You accused him of succumbing to my supposed efforts of trying to influence him to not posting. It goes without saying that you have refused to apologise to either of us for this smear.
You have accused Lox and I of "keeping this thread alive", despite that fact that on 31st March your own postings numbered 535 and must be well into the 600s by now.
You have complained persistently (and pathetically) when I have returned to this thread to respond to his continuous racism (it is not your thread and anybody can come and go as they please without your permission).
You have pathetically complained of my postings being 'too long'.
You have attempted to give the impression that Lox and I are the only ones who disagree with him when in fact you has no support himself apart from a couple of feeble nods in his direction.      
You have used the fate of abused children to peddle an anti-Pakistani message.
You have crowed and gloated over fresh examples of paedophile abuse, describing yourself as "laughing" when you received it. In order to absolve yourself from this you then went into a disgusting an apparently uncontrollable bout of amateur theatricals weeping crocodile tears over the very thing you were gloating about earlier – and then accusing others of "not caring".
You have refused to comment on officially carried out reports of the grooming of underage teenagers in Northern Ireland because they involve Christian/white paedophiles, from whom racist capital cannot be made.
And now you attempt to score points that have been pointed out as being mistaken and have been withdrawn.
Jim Carroll