The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #137261   Message #3138580
Posted By: Jim Dixon
19-Apr-11 - 09:05 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Songs sung by Leslie Sarony
Subject: Lyr Add: AIN'T LOVE GRAND (Leslie Sarony)
Words and music by Leslie Sarony, ©1937.
As sung by The Two Leslies [Leslie Sarony and Leslie Holmes]

Look at all the buildings they are building ev'rywhere.
They're wonderful. They're marvelous.
Science has us getting in a thousand diff'rent ways,
But love still beats them all.

Couple of youngsters starting a courtship.
Ain't love grand?
Go to the pictures every Wednesday.
Ain't love grand?
Sit in the back row all in the darkness,
Hand in hand.
There they kiss and cuddle and they sigh, "Oh, my!"
Now, ain't love grand?

Then there's a wedding. Oh, what a party!
Ain't love grand?
All of the neighbours eating and drinking.
Ain't love grand?
Look at the bridegroom ...(*) to the eyebrows.
He can't stand.
His wife goes up to bed and finds he's fast asleep.
Now, ain't love grand?

Soon there's a baby. Ooh, what a lovely one!
Ain't love grand?
Is it like father? Possibly, maybe.
Ain't love grand?
Very romantic in his pyjamas
Pa will stand,
With a raging toothache and a squalling kid.
Now, ain't love grand?

After the baby, twins are the next thing.
Ain't love grand?
Following here, there's another expected.
Ain't love grand?
Hurrying home now, father is anxious.
Doctor says, "It's twins again." He says, "Gor blimey!"
Ain't love grand?

[* Couldn't catch this word. A synonym for "drunk" I suppose.]