The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135090   Message #3138790
Posted By: Jim Carroll
20-Apr-11 - 05:03 AM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim prejudice
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim prejudice
MIke - I am apalled at the unbelieveably one-sided and uncritical support you have given Keith, even his open refual to even consider the same crime when committed by white Christianss - no, not a different crime as he claims, but the same one - sex with under-age girls. This, to me, is open racism which you are giving your support to.
The rest of my analysis of Keith's behaviour here is a matter of record, which I would be happy to debate with you item by item had I not had my fill of this shit thread. I was only drawn back into it by a piece of particularly slime behaviour on Keith's part, which you apparently find no fault with.
A quick sprint through this thread shows very little input on your part on the subject in hand, rather you have largely confined yourself to calling for fair play for Keith - indicating that he speaks for your views - which makes a sort of sense, I suppose.
Whether I believe anybody has won the day - I believe the day was won long ago, and well more than half this thread has been mantra-like repetition on Keith's part and his constant retreating behind other people's statements.
In the end, nobody wins with Keith's 'last man standing' method of argument, people just drop out from frustrated exhaustion.
Jim Carroll