The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135090   Message #3138831
Posted By: MGM·Lion
20-Apr-11 - 06:21 AM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim prejudice
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim prejudice
I don't think that is all I have been doing, Jim ~~ tho I reiterate that I do deplore the hysterically aggressive attitude which has been taken to the points Keith has been making; which, I repeat, I made myself above ~ in parallel with, rather than in support of, Keith...

Viz, that the grossly disproportionate number of convictions for a particular offence, in particular places, over a particular period, of men of Pakistani origin, was a matter of concern: not only to me {& to Keith}, but to several leading Muslim authorities, to a leading Muslim journalist, to a respectable politician like Jack Straw, and to a respected and authoritative social observer like Hilary W, who produced a large number of other worrying statistics leading to similar conclusions and concerns.

That was my sole point; so far as I understood the matter, it was also Keith's. The fact that other people in other demographics in other places may have committed offences with some similarities was irrelevant - or at best tangential - to the specific areas of concern we had rubricated.

No proper response was forthcoming to these points; merely abusive, disrespectful and hysterical kneejerk cries involving the R word. As I said, just read objectively back over your posts (or Don's or Lox's or Silas's), and find one moderately and civilly expressed contradiction or objection to any of the LIMITED RANGE of points we have made.

I don't think you will.
