The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135090   Message #3138853
Posted By: GUEST,lively
20-Apr-11 - 07:04 AM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim prejudice
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim prejudice
I'd like to make it clear that the ethnicity of the perpetrators was not and is not, my key concern in these cases. Of course abuse covers the entire spectrum from lesbian mothers to highly respected figures of authority. What was of concern to me was the apparent lack of interest in and failure to tackle these crimes by the authorities. And indeed whether or not, as has been suggested by a number of commentators, misguided PC sensibilities represented a hinderance to such efforts.

It's all very well to say, we all hate abuse, but it goes on everywhere. Because no type abuse can be efficiently targeted and stopped if a) there is either failure to acknowledge pertinent information regarding the perpetrators and their victims b) efforts to prevent such crimes are not targeted at the perpetrators and their victims.

It was heartening to see that in at least one town, efforts to engage community awareness resulted in a successful elimination of the particular type of crime under discussion here. I'm sure other such communities would favour efforts to engage them in similar gang activity in their towns. These communities don't want creeps crawling around their streets any more than any other community does.

One thing I would add, is that cultural (socially) and religious factors would appear to figure here, in as much as by comparison I find it highly unlikely that within a white dominated area, gang crime could be effectively be stopped through working with the local CofE Vicar.