The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135090   Message #3139502
Posted By: Jim Carroll
21-Apr-11 - 04:25 AM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim prejudice
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim prejudice
You have presented no proof whatever beyond a small handful of examples in specific area - if you are going to claim these as proof - don't bother, they prove nothing whatever about British Pakistani culture as a whole and you are the only one making that claim.
Where is your proof of a massive over-representation among the one and a half million British Pakistanis?
Where is your proof that the Pakistani male population is in any way inclined towards paedophelia?
Where is your proof that street grooming is mainly a British Pakistani activity?
What is your rational for presenting street grooming as seperate from any other form of sexual grooming - internet, within the family, clerical sexual grooming, date rape drugging - all are forms of sexual grooming with the same objective in mind?
If the British Pakistani population is culturally inclined towards paedophelia, why isn't the white christian population of Northern Ireland culturally inclined to the same crime when systematically gathered data has produced vastly larger percentages of underage sex (over one in ten)? Why is this not even worthy of discussion when the sexual grooming of underage girls is aimed to produce the same result, however it is carried out.
If I have misinterpreted your stance on the genetic connection to this crime, as it seems I might have, I apologise unreservedly and withdraw my comments (something else for you to use at a later date), but this in no way alters the racist nature of your 'implant' statement, and it in no way absolves you from answering the above questions - one by one or all together, as you please.
Jim Carroll