The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135090   Message #3139531
Posted By: Jim Carroll
21-Apr-11 - 05:56 AM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim prejudice
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim prejudice
"The issue was first raised about 20 years ago by CROP."
Stop hiding behind other peoples' reports - you put it up, you take responsibility for it.
The 'evidence' of all the groups and individuals you have put up are individual accounts of personal experiences in limited areas - they in no way impact on Pakistani culture as a whole.
They certainly don't constitute proof, they don't even count as evidence outside their own small disconnected areas.
The 'massive over-representation' is purely of your own making. I have long realised that you have no ideas of your own, only those you have managed to cut-'n-paste. At least have the balls to come out from behind them and state your own case.
Where is YOUR EVIDENCE of the 'massive over-representation' that you, and you alone claims to exist?
"Would you really like me to restate the mass of irrefutable evidence"
I would like you to state ANY EVIDENCE to back up your statements - the interminable repetition of irrelvant and unrelated personal observations in small isolated areas is not proof, it isn't even evidence until it is placed in the context of the areas it was collected.
And your evidence on Pakistani inclination towards paedophelia?
And your proof that street grooming is mainly a Pakistani crime?
And your rationale of separating street grooming from any other sort of grooming?
And your persistant refusel to draw cultural conclusions from the same Christian/white crimes?

"Why are you so determined to make me look a bad person?"
I am not attempting to make you look an such thing - I couldn't hope to compete with your own efforts in this respect.
You have lied, cheated, distorted your own and others evidence, you have accused others of behaviour you have been guilty of ten-fold....
You have shamed yourself with your own behaviour, and the fact that you have displayed no shame, shames you even more.
How could anybody possibly compete with that?
Jim Carroll