The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135090   Message #3139537
Posted By: Keith A of Hertford
21-Apr-11 - 06:11 AM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim prejudice
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim prejudice
I would like you to state ANY EVIDENCE to back up your statements - the interminable repetition of irrelevant and unrelated personal observations in small isolated areas is not proof, it isn't even evidence until it is placed in the context of the areas it was collected.
My case is that there is an over-representation, at least in the areas I specified.
That is all.

"And your evidence on Pakistani inclination towards paedophelia?"
Not a contention of mine, as I keep telling you.

"And your proof that street grooming is mainly a Pakistani crime?"
Basically because they are a minority group, but a large majority of the offenders.

"And your rationale of separating street grooming from any other sort of grooming?"
Because that was the kind of grooming being discussed here when I joined the debate.

"And your persistant refusel to draw cultural conclusions from the same Christian/white crimes?
I am not qualified to draw such conclusions about any crime.
Are you?