The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135090   Message #3139579
Posted By: Jim Carroll
21-Apr-11 - 07:06 AM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim prejudice
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim prejudice
"I would like you to state ANY EVIDENCE to back up your statements - the interminable repetition of irrelevant and unrelated personal observations in small isolated areas" ---- "Not a contention of mine, as I keep telling you."
Proof enough?
"Because that was the kind of grooming being discussed here when I joined the debate."
When you joined the debate the subject was Muslim prejudice - you single-handedly turned it into a Paki-bashing exercise.
You have carefully chosen the type of grooming you wish to discuss because (according to you) it only involves Pakistanis. Even then you have blatently ignored the facts presented to you - that street grooming goes on in every ethnic community, mainly in the indigenous one, and always has - this is deliberate racialist distortion brought about by deliberately and wilfully ignoring the plain fact that - STREET GROOMING GOES ON IN EVERY COMMUNITY AND ALWAY HAS - it is racism to claim otherwise.
"I am not qualified to draw such conclusions about any crime."
Yet you have done so here on Pakistani criminals involved in paedophelia; making huge, unsubstatiated cultural claims. If you can draw cultural conclusions here, why not compare what has been discovered officially in Northern Ireland, where you have a properly conducted survey and verified data, not unconnected hearsay reports - or does the NI survey involve criminals of the wrong colour and religion?
Answer the questions please!!!
Jim Carroll