The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136981   Message #3140089
Posted By: Rapparee
21-Apr-11 - 11:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Salvation of Shane McBride
Subject: RE: BS: The Salvation of Shane McBride
Rev, believe me: what Shame McBride did might perhaps maybe be forgiven by a Very Merciful God after a very, very long penance which included self-flagellation, a life of groveling poverty and extreme chastity, of living in the desert alone and sleeping on a bed of thorns while living only on what dead animals and the foulest water he could find. His...crime against Heaven and Nature...cries out from the Earth for vengeance and atonement. I can't even describe it, it haunts the lives and dreams of the few who are strong enough to carry the knowledge of it. If you knew what he has done -- worse than raping the Holy Virgin Mary! -- you too would agree that his salvation is highly improbable.