The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #137352   Message #3141072
Posted By: saulgoldie
23-Apr-11 - 11:18 AM
Thread Name: BS: Trump: Self-promoter & Hatemonger
Subject: BS: Trump: Self-promoter & Hatemonger
Given many of the outrageous things he has done, he can only be considered a serious candidate by the most cynical or uninformed. He is first, last, and always only a self-promoter. Nevertheless, his repeating of the ridiculous and long-discredited "birther" talk is nothing less than hate-mongering.

The promoters of the idea that Obama was not "born in the USA" have just never accepted the reality of a non-white president. The root of such talk, if you "look under the hood" is patently racist. And all it does is bring down the level of discourse and distract us from real issues.
