The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #137308   Message #3141512
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
24-Apr-11 - 05:36 AM
Thread Name: BS: Bulger, Thompson, Venables
Subject: RE: BS: Bulger, Thompson, Venables
From that link, lively:

"...At first sight, it appears to be a child's attempt at illustrating a terrible nightmare.

But what makes this image so horrifying is that it was a violent fantasy, inspired by the 18-rated horror movie Halloween, and that the ten-year-old artist was close to committing a deadly act of his own in real life...."

These images remain, long after the TV has been turned off. They disturb a child's mind, possibly for years to come.

We are not addressing the problem whatsoever.

I recall going into a computer game shop when my lad was fairly young, asking if they had games for children, any new ones...ones without violence. The young man looked at me kinda weird...then he told me I was the first parent who'd ever asked him about a non-violent content. He told me that most parents just bought what the chidlren wanted, never asked a thing. It worried him too...

These videos aren't 'silly'. Most of them aren't even watched by parents...or weren't. Nowadays of course, many parents themselves are raising children on the videos they watched as children and guess what, those videos were violent too, because several generations have been raised on them.

People become 'detached' from reality....

I believe violent videos and computer games, damage as many children as actual violence in the home does...but we have turned away from even thinking about it.

Many children are abused, but they don't go on to do what these two lads did. I have someone close to me who had the most traumatic of childhoods, abuse was all around him. He grew up to be a nurse, evenutally, once all the drink and drugs had been dealt with. He knows it made a difference to him, LONGED to have a loving father, but his father abandoned he and his brother very early on. To this day he has no confidence and feels a gaping hole inside.   He would never have done what these two boys did though, neither would his brother.

So what is it in today's society that damages children even MORE than ever before, to the point where gangs of kids cut off a puppy's ears, as happened a few years back, to the point where children's cruelty towards animals, towards each other is so big that even the President of the USA has made a video about the problem..?   

Eyes wide Shut is the problem.   
Corporate Films and Games Profit is the problem.
Let the kids watch what they want, anything to keep them quiet! is the problem..
Lack of love is the problem
Dumbing down is the problem

Houston, we have a MAJOR problem!

Sadly, Ground Control has disconnected.......