The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #137308   Message #3142169
Posted By: Jim Carroll
25-Apr-11 - 03:27 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bulger, Thompson, Venables
Subject: RE: BS: Bulger, Thompson, Venables
"There are more ways of execution than hanging."
There are indeed Mike - but thankfully not in the UK or Ireland any more (except if you happen to set fire to a naval dockyard - or has that gone too??)
The barbarism that was capital punishment is now only a fond memory of the would-be Madame LeFarges (like yourself, I take it) who yearn for the days..... ah well!!
I take it you have no great objection to killing children - along with our two 'abrading members'?
"Please, can we refrain from the kind of thoughts at the end of your post."
OK to see them off if you don't mention it in polite company in order not to scare the horses or upset the staff, eh Lizzie?
Did you know that when Ruth Ellis was hanged she had to wear canvas drawers because the insides of the woman who was hanged before her fell out when she was dropped - the realities of the 'good old days'!
"Sadly...Denise Bulger will NEVER be able to turn her life around,"
I doubt if any of the families involved will ever be able to turn their lives around - maybe we should see off the Taylor and Venables families while we're at it - wouldn't have to think about them then?
"I'm the last person on the planet Michael would want hear a comment from".
Apparently not the case Rich.
Jim Carroll