The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #137245   Message #3142502
Posted By: GUEST,Suibhne Astray
26-Apr-11 - 05:25 AM
Thread Name: Songs you liked that others on the forum don't
Subject: RE: Songs you liked that others on the forum don't
Can't get passed the Lollipop Guild I'm afraid; I've had a morbid fear of Munchkins since childhood (no problem with Umpaloompas lowever, though having watched the Depp remake I might have to revise that). The most moving rendering of Over the Rainbow I ever heard was delivered by Judy Garland still in tramp get up after a rollicking rendering of Couple of Swells. My Gay friends were in tears, so I didn't dare mention the Weigh a Pie joke...

I think this thread would have been best inverted: what songs you hate that others on the forum love. For example, I hate The Band Played Waltzing Matilda and have done since first hearing June Tabor sing in a tiny folk club in Northumberland circa 1976. It's an instinctive thing with me - I don't get how the genuine emotion of traditional songs (such as The Plains of Waterloo - wich she also sang that night) can sit alongside the mawkish right-on proslytising that the rest of the Folk Scene can't get enough of. I feel the same way about The King of Rome and countless others; give me nightmarish spectre of The Lollipop Guild any day - and the horrors of The Lullaby League if it comes to that...