The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #137308   Message #3142820
Posted By: GUEST,Some mothers do have em
26-Apr-11 - 02:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bulger, Thompson, Venables
Subject: RE: BS: Bulger, Thompson, Venables
I had a miscarriage as well, how does that make me any better qualified to take part in this argument? What a stupid thing to say. No miscarriage is anything like the pain that Denise Bulger went through. Her son was brutally murdered. However The children who murdered him were also victims. They were so brutalised by the underclass they grew up in that they were able to do something terrible and unspeakable. Losing a baby does not qualify anyone any more than anyone else to judge them, but growing up in the kind of households that they did on the estates that they did and experiencing the brutality and the abuse that they experienced might.

If you want someone to blame, blame our society that has allowed these awful places to exist, full of feral children and adults like Dickens's London. If you want someone to blame, blame every person who is not campaigning on the streets for social reform that would CLOSE the gap between rich and poor in this country. Instead of sitting here on messageboards talking about capital punishment for 10 year olds. Who are the barbarians here eh?