The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #137352   Message #3143427
Posted By: Donuel
27-Apr-11 - 11:20 AM
Thread Name: BS: Trump: Self-promoter & Hatemonger
Subject: RE: BS: Trump: Self-promoter & Hatemonger
I have rich friends who could not get their kids into Harvard. How could a bad student like Obama get into Harvard????

Donald Trump


I am positive that all of these conspiracy theories about Obama not being a legitimate American will all go away the day Barak Obama is no longer black.

Just in case you want to know how the birther thing got started it was a proactive response by the McCain campaign.
It is a fact that John Mc Cain was born in the country of Panama. The typical Republican political attack is to accuse the opponent of the thing that that "your guy" is actually guilty of. If you do that first then the opponent will be on the defensive and the guilt of your guy will look like a desperate attempt by the opposision to deflect the accusations against them. ergo, Obama was not born in the USA. SInce then it all got folded into defining Obama as a foreign African Muslim who honed his Islamic allegience in Indonesia.

Since then the author of the swift boat attacks and fraudulent accusations, that were very succesful in turning a man who served his country in the miitary into a hated traitor by way of lies, has a new book...

. This author has a book coming out in two weeks that already is the leading book on Amazon and making noise on the NEw York TImes best seller list. IT is Where is the Birth Certificate !

Since Donald Trump has declared victory over forcing the PResident into show a long form document. The long form presented today is not the official document of LIve birth which is the only document that Hawaii recogizes for all official business. Hawaii has a law that does not permit public release of the long form for reasons of family privacy in case there are different parents on that form and not the married parents.

When Obama said that we do not have tome to be distracted by side shows and Carnival Barkers, I heard a gasp in the press room. I guess sme people were actually shocked that he called Trump a carnival Barker by implication. go figure.