The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #137352   Message #3143448
Posted By: Little Hawk
27-Apr-11 - 11:46 AM
Thread Name: BS: Trump: Self-promoter & Hatemonger
Subject: RE: BS: Trump: Self-promoter & Hatemonger
The nunnery has rejected my application! I am in deep despair.

I may consider appealing my case to the Mormons, but if they won't take me either, I fear the end may be near.


If you go to an internet forum that is inhabited mainly by rightwingers, you can find threads very much like this one, only they're about Obama instead of Trump or Palin. They have titles like: "Obama:Self-promoter & Socialist Traitor". It's not much point reading them, though, because they are so boring and childish. ;-) Just a bunch of people engaging in their emotional need for a daily fix of partisan hostility...sort of like a circle-jerk for the politically-minded. Politics and recreational outrage go together like a horse and carriage. ;-)