The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #137352   Message #3143474
Posted By: Little Hawk
27-Apr-11 - 12:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: Trump: Self-promoter & Hatemonger
Subject: RE: BS: Trump: Self-promoter & Hatemonger
Hey, saul....that looks pretty appealing! Perhaps they will take me in. I need something to believe in, and that could be the ticket. Thanks, eh? ;-D

As Chongo has sagely pointed out on another thread, it doesn't matter a fig where someone was born! What matters is where he grew up and formed his basic beliefs, cultural framework, social ideas, philosophy, etc. Obama seems like an American to me. I don't give a tinker's damn if he was born in Kenya, Japan, or on the Moon. His basic state of mental being has been formed in the USA...and that's all that matters if he wants to qualify to serve in the government of the USA, as far as I can see.

There was a similar row about one of the early American presidents (Adams?) when people in the opposing party said he'd been born "across the line" in Canada!!!!!!!!!!! It went on and on. He had, in any case, lived his entire ensuing childhood and adult life in the USA, so whether he'd technically been born "across the line" in Canada or not was meaningless...nevertheless his enemies siezed on that and got considerable mileage out of it.

Childish and boring? You betcha! Hypocritical? In the extreme. People are not sincerely defending their Constitution when they trot out such accusations, they are simply out to damage a political enemy over any convenient excuse they can find.

Now in Trump's case...why not criticize his haircut and his complexion? Or his divorces? Go for the substantive stuff that really matters! ;-D