The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108131   Message #314374
Posted By: Dale Rose
07-Oct-00 - 07:30 PM
Thread Name: What happened to Jennifer & Hazel Wrigley?
Subject: Jennifer & Hazel Wrigley website
After several years of rather sketchy information on the web about the twins and their music, they now have a website of their own,, which went online July 29, but which I just ran across today. I found it both entertaining and informative. For instance, did you know that they got their fiddle and guitar for their eighth birthday? . . . or that Jennifer nearly quit The Orkney Strathspey and Reel Society because all the other kids (who are likely all still home in Orkney) knew the tunes, and she didn't? Oh, and be sure to check out the photo section ~~ I especially liked the one where they are looking out through the window panes.

Here is just one of many interesting comments from the biography. Hazel says. "Our Mum and Dad had always been self- employed when we were growing up, so they gave us loads of good advice, and I think we got from them the idea of not paying anyone to do stuff you could as well do for yourself. A manager just always seemed like an added expense, besides the difficulty of finding the right person. It's easier now, too, with the Internet and e-mail - we take a laptop and a mobile phone with us on tour and keep in touch with things that way. It's hard work, but it means we always know things are being done the way we want."

Lots more ~~ check it out!