The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #137352   Message #3143777
Posted By: Ron Davies
27-Apr-11 - 10:43 PM
Thread Name: BS: Trump: Self-promoter & Hatemonger
Subject: RE: BS: Trump: Self-promoter & Hatemonger
"saying anything that casts ANY doubt"

Bill D has it exactly right.

On the way back from rehearsal last night I heard a fascinating radio program "To the Point", I think, which backs him up all the way.

One commentator noted, regarding the absurdly high percentage of Republicans who believe there is doubt Obama was born in the US (about 45%, as I recall), that when the same group was asked if they thought there was actual evidence of the "birther" theory, the percentage saying yes dropped hugely.

All it proves is that lots of Republicans don't like Obama--and they will use any club they can find to beat him with.

Not only should this be no surprise, but, as Bill and I have said, it's actually a positive for Obama--for all sorts of reasons, many of which we've already discussed.   Also, the more Republican candidates are associated with the looney "birther" theory--rather than dealing with the real problems of the US---, the more independents will be turned off.   And it's independents who will determine the 2012 election.

So it's good that Trump now says the Obama long-form birth certificate will have to be "verified--whatever that means.

So as Bill says, here's to a Trump-Palin ticket for the GOP in 2012.