The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #137389   Message #3143947
Posted By: Brian May
28-Apr-11 - 07:47 AM
Thread Name: BS: I'm Not Going To Bill & Cate's Wedding
Subject: RE: BS: I'm Not Going To Bill & Cate's Wedding
Oh well as one of the resident bigots I'll have a go :o)

The BBC advertising states 'don't miss a minute', I intend to miss them all.

Do I object? Nope, I should think the poor couple getting married will just be happy to get the otherside of Friday evening. I don't envy them one little bit.

Best of luck to them, but the record of royal marriages over the last 30 years or so does HM family no good at all. Unlike HM, they seem to have a different view of 'duty' and 'responsibility'. I don't envy any of them.

I AM grateful for a day off when it's not raining and meaning I can have a lay-in from my normal 0530 alarm call.

I shall take the opportunity to play on my guitars, pop out with the wife and revel in the fact that I'm really, REALLY common and no princess is going to insist on me marrying them in front of every man and his dog, leading to a life of constant media intrusion.

As for the boss of Syria going? He didn't send us into Afghanistan or Iraq, that puts him one up on those other two lying bastards (IMHO).

Have a great holiday, whatever persuasion you happen to follow!