The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #137389   Message #3143979
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
28-Apr-11 - 08:53 AM
Thread Name: BS: I'm Not Going To Bill & Cate's Wedding
Subject: RE: BS: I'm Not Going To Bill & Cate's Wedding
Goodness me, what anger, Fred.

I don't regard the Royals as better than me. I don't regard anyone as better than me, nor I as better than them. I know I'd not switch lives with any of them, ever. HOW the Queen has lived her life without going stark raving bonkers I've no idea. 85 years of service to her country, of never being able to be free, to be herself, to do what she wants to do, when she wants, how she wants. I bet she'd have divorced Phil years back, had she been left to make her own decisions.

We've been through all of this 'stuff' before, but I guess some want to raise it again as weapons with which to beat.....

"As for sickening and offensive, has not Prince Harry been seen wearing a swastika?"

Yup, when he was far a fancy dress party, as I recall. William had egged him on to do it..and I've no doubt that when they got there they made huge fun of the Nazi's....bit like in 'Allo 'Allo, that massively successful TV series. Both of them apologised for that incident. They were young and a bit silly...and perhaps a bit angry too, for their mother lost her life because of constant invasion of her privacy..(we won't go into possible other reasons)..and then they had to live with years of reading absolutely bitchy things being said about a most crucial age.

I'm surprised they didn't grow up to BE Nazi's, to be honest, because the stress they had to endure as teenagers must have been horrendous. They loved their mother very dearly, adored her..and they had to put up with spiteful folks saying dreadful things about her, even to this day it goes on.

"...I'd call that pretty offensive, as was his name calling of a Pakistani member of his army platoon. "Rag head", was what he said. Right there on tv, and made there there diddums noises when the man objected! ..."

Er...I think you'll find the fellow officer concerned, one of Harry's good mates, said he didn't mind at all. Hey, it's the army, it's what they do in the army, it's what loads of boys together often do. The most important bit you've left out though, is the man concerned was absolutely fine about it, and knows Harry is most certainly not a racist.

Taken from The Daily Telegraph:

"Speaking for the first time about the incident, Ahmed Raza Khan, a captain in the Pakistan Army, denied the Prince was racist.
Prince Harry and Ahmed Raza Khan at Sandhurst: Soldier called 'Paki' by Prince Harry insists there are 'no hard feelings' after apology
Prince Harry and Ahmed Raza Khan during The Sovereign's Parade at Sandhurst

He also revealed, in an interview with the Sun newspaper, that Prince Harry had personally phoned him to apologise but said he had "no hard feelings".

The 24-year-old said: "The Prince called me by a nickname which is usually very insulting, but I know he didn't mean it that way. He phoned me to apologise and I have no hard feelings. We need to close this chapter now.

"When I spoke to Harry he told me he never meant what people may think about the so-called nickname and I believe him.

"We were close friends when we were training and I know he is not a racist. I have no reason to take up the issue again.