The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74823   Message #3144238
Posted By: CupOfTea
28-Apr-11 - 03:27 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Three Score and Ten
Subject: RE: Origins: Three Score and Ten
My favorite version is Lou Killen's. His version has the last line of this verse as the poem cited above:

Methinks I heard the skipper say, 'My lads, we'll shorten sail,
As the sky to all appearance looks like an approaching gale.'
Methinks I see them yet again, and all on board was right,
With sails close reef'd, the deck cleared up, and sidelights burning bright.

When I first started looking for the dots/chords to do this other than acapella, all I found was the Soodlum book version, which only had a passing acquaintance to how I heard it from Lou and others. When I was first looking, DT didn't have the dots for things - this is a WONDERFUL addition to have, and I give thanks for whatever Mudmarvelous sorts who have accomplished this.

Joanne in Cleveland