The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #137352   Message #3144396
Posted By: Little Hawk
28-Apr-11 - 06:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: Trump: Self-promoter & Hatemonger
Subject: RE: BS: Trump: Self-promoter & Hatemonger
I saw a Doonesbury cartoon today which featured Donald Trump AND Sarah Palin (though, oddly, Sarah's face was always hidden from that an "in" joke on Garry Trudeau's part?). I noticed the particular emphasis the cartoon placed on Trump's dramatic "comb-over" hairstyle and his pudgy facial features. Amusing! ;-) I hadn't really realized until now just how much fun the Democrats were having focusing on those 2 obvious features of Mr Trump's general appearance.

Well, every political movement values having a symbolic "village idiot" or two on the opposite side to despise, and it appears that Donald Trump has now been elevated alongside Sarah Palin and is serving that purpose admirably from the point of view of Democrats, American Leftists, and "liberals".

Like I said before....what fun! ;-D The other side (those vile unconsionable, gay-bashing, racist, religious fanatic and utterly despicable rightwingers, damn their eyes!) has Obama, Gore, and Hillary to poke fun at and demonize while OUR side (the good people) has Bush, Palin, and now Trump to poke fun at and demonize. Fun all around! Take a deep breath and FEEEEELLLL the love....