The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #137352   Message #3144530
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
29-Apr-11 - 01:30 AM
Thread Name: BS: Trump: Self-promoter & Hatemonger
Subject: RE: BS: Trump: Self-promoter & Hatemonger
Ron, You are ABSOLUTELY out of your tree! I voted my conscience, which is what we a supposed to do! You think you did 'good' by voting for 5 Trillion dollar waste Obama?????????????...or, John 'Flip-Flop' McCain, who miraculously walked away from the Lincoln Savings and Loan scandal??? (probably with the help of Timmy 'Tax Cheat' Geithner, or the Bushes?? Get real! I've got EVERY reason, not just to bitch, but to throw, "I told you so!" into your stupid mugs! I'm messed up, because I wasn't hoodwinked like you!?!??? You just went along with the crowd of idiot lemmings..and now, there ain't shit you can do about it, except decide if Donald Trump is for real or not???..and/or better than Obama???? I didn't throw my vote away..nor my integrity!..Sorry about you!