The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #137494 Message #3145206
Posted By: GUEST, Tom Bliss
30-Apr-11 - 07:00 AM
Thread Name: Songs for May Day
Subject: RE: Songs for Mayday
Just one of those evenings You'd rather stay at home With a book, a glass and memories Spend some time alone Listen to the Word Service Hear the weather forecast It's gusting nine to ten Deteriorating fast
Out of a blue horizon Storm cloud hit the sail I had been sunbathing Hadn't time to bail Looks like this ships is sinking This in an SOS I'm really in the drink Really in distress
Mayday, mayday, may-dit dit dit da da da dit dit dit Mayday, mayday, may-dit dit dit da da da dit dit dit
err, there was another verse and a middle 8 - but I cant find the cassette.