The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #137352   Message #3145634
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
01-May-11 - 04:33 AM
Thread Name: BS: Trump: Self-promoter & Hatemonger
Subject: RE: BS: Trump: Self-promoter & Hatemonger
First, thanks 'Bad Bob'. I agree that integrity begins with US, here, at home...and in our own hearts, before we go dictating to the rest of the populace, that We, being compromised, is an honorable thing! That being said, Don has a point..but to a point...and that is, while it is true, that so many yard-birds out there just take the corrupted political system, without question, because its ALL we can get, some of us here in Mudcat-Land are writers, and composers and musicians...and, of all people, who should NOT lay down, it is us!!!
You would think, that REAL writers, SHOULD be independent thinkers. What you are hearing(or reading) is the remnants of worn out, and burnt out spectators, who think by posting an 'opinion', that that is the best they can do!...I think its hogwash! It's NOT all that can be done...but, if you think that you are done, then just give up the ghost, and play dead!..Let others do your thinking for you! Discard any God given talent to make a difference, and wish for the 'good ol' days' to return.....IN YOUR DREAMS!!!
You are new here, I think, and instead of trying to get political parrots to think, you will only hear them repeat worn out platitudes, and accusations, that they have NOT yet realized, that are burnt out and useless!..Lifeless rhetoric, that reaches no one, but rather, serves only to assure the dead, that they are still do dead, to independently think, and moreover, DO something about win the hearts and minds of people, to stand FOR something, that stands tall!!!!
Let me give you an example, which is true, by the way...I recently had some people over, older people(than me), and invited them down to my basement studio, to give them a private time of listening to some music, that I have composed..mostly since I've been coming onto the Mudcat Forum. Now, I don't know how long you've been reading the posts, on here, but if you've spent much time, you would have noticed that all but a few on here, think I'm 'out of touch' with their predominantly 'left/liberal' political hypocrisy. That being said, I'm NOT a 'right wing' promoter, either. But rather, I try to lift up the HUMAN spirit, and not align myself with either side, that would rather us have the intellect and behavior of mere insects!..That being said, (back to my point), this couple were completely blown away by what they heard, and said, "Listening to your music is life-changing...I mean seriously..."
When I heard that, the first thing that popped into my head was, "Like in what way?".....My answer came when one said, "I haven't felt those things, in at least, over 35 years.."
THIS is the kind of thing that any one of us CAN do, if we could get our heads, OUT of 'political' thinking, and return to identifying ourselves with loving our fellow humans, and writing, and speaking, and playing TO that human spirit, which binds ALL of us together..BEFORE we throw it away, on some ideological notion, which to be a member of, you must throw away your sense of loving unity!..and sell out, to let politicos speak and think for you!..then get the 'seal of approval' from a bunch of non-thinking parrots!...some even eloquent, non-thinking parrots!!!
Don't be mislead, and/or fooled....go with the beauty that you know in you, and reach the beauty in someone else. That, by the way, is rather contagious...and more influence on a world that needs this..more than a bunch of parrots, trying to make sure no other parrots escape the 'flock'.
Got it?
With independent thinking, bring that influence back to a desperate people..who need the clarity, of independence from manipulated 'party' control!!!!
Best Wishes..and do not listen to discouragement, from the sell outs!