The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #137467   Message #3145984
Posted By: frogprince
01-May-11 - 04:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: Why Not...Condoms??
Subject: RE: BS: Why Not...Condoms??
"What if you have sex, enjoy sex, and it doesn't have to have 'bad consequences', and believe in God...all at the same time???? Gosh, you could even conceive a child, while ALL those things are at play, and raise him or her right....only to bump into someone, who says that it can't be done!!!!!"

Somewhere, sometime, you might meet someone in real life who would say "it can't be done", but you might be looking a long time to find that rare a fool. And if you think that that is typical of the avowed liberals here whom you caricature cluelessly on a regular basis, your imagination is way out of hand.

"Irresponsibility does preclude 'mandatory'problems and heartache, though!" I know that's not what you meant, but it's a legitimate rearranging of what you wrote. It might help if you slowed down your rant enough to notice what you're actually saying.