The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #137308   Message #3146543
Posted By: Jim Carroll
02-May-11 - 01:12 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bulger, Thompson, Venables
Subject: RE: BS: Bulger, Thompson, Venables
"WHY shouldn't they be executed now that they are adults?"
Becauseat the time the crime was committed they were children.
The law says they were not responsible for their actions and common sense tells us that ten-year-olds cannot be held responsible.
This was not a borderline case - they had six years to go before they could be judges responsible for their actions - that is the law of any civiliesed country - children can not be treated as adult criminals - and certainly not put to death.
"chidren who were old enough to know what they were doing was wrong?"
You say the y were old enough to know what they were doing was wrong - the law says otherwise.
Do you think all child criminals should be treated as adults or should the idea that children should be treated as children be abandoned - if so, at what age, you mentioned 8?
I don't know where you come from, but that is how it works in Brirtain, the U.S. Europe - certainly throughout the West - tell us how it works in your part of the world.
It is the law - do you believe that your personal opinion should over-ride the law.
                                              Civilised countries do not kill or jail children; what part of that do you not understand?
Jim Carroll