The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #137582   Message #3147589
Posted By: Mr Red
04-May-11 - 07:13 AM
Thread Name: looking for mates at festivals - an idea
Subject: looking for mates at festivals - an idea
Having stewarded the campsite entrance on many occasions and been asked where Flumphfield Morris are on a huge field I got to thinking why don't Morris sides think?

Some put up flags and still they ask. And having been within striking distance of a bamboo mega pole I don't trust any morrisman to understand stress and breaking point of untethered masts. In a gale. Tether them is the answer - three guy ropes, pegged.

1) The first territorial to mark their desmene could switch on his satnav and find the Lat/Long page and text all his team. Assuming all they have and can use.

2) The organisers could have a (Google) map of the fields and place a grid on it with a better chance of finding directions. Sides could place their mark on the maps if they were organised enough. If I was on first duty I would be able to do that, it helps with directing people to less populated parts anyway. Maybe I will offer in future depends on the size of the festival I guess.

And you don't have to be a Morrisbod to benefit from the ideas. Plenty of "items" live miles apart and rendezvous at festivals.