The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133098   Message #3148027
Posted By: Jayto
04-May-11 - 05:39 PM
Thread Name: olddude - doing one of Jayto's songs
Subject: RE: olddude - doing one of Jayto's songs
I came around late and missed it all :) I would love to hear it sometime. I am sure you did a great job with it. Ron you haven't heard it bc this is actually the first time it has been recorded other than the one recording I made of it at a rehearsal one time. I will add a link to the youtube of that recording. I have been off mudcat for a while and just stopped by and katlaughing had sent me a PM telling me this was on here. I am glad to know about it and would love to hear olddude's version of it. This song is kind of in the middle of a debate. I think my friend Chris Knight wrote it but he swears he did not write it and says I wrote it. So to be truthful I am not sure who wrote it. It was penned by either me or Chris Knight. I do know whichever one of us wrote it was written in the early 1990's. Parts of it does sound like me but parts sound like Chris so I am not really sure about which one of us wrote it. We wrote tons of songs together back then. Then we wrote a bunch of songs on our own but were together when we wrote them. So many that it is blurry on some who wrote which song. There is another friend of mine I run into this trouble with named Chad Estes. He and I were together all the time and wrote every day. Through the years it has been difficult to sort out which we wrote together and who wrote what on some when we wrote solo. I guess in the end it doesn't matter because there were a ton a good songs put out just the same. This is one of them though.
Jayo doing 'I Guess I'm a Road'