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Thread #137668   Message #3149703
Posted By: Dave Hanson
07-May-11 - 07:17 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Destruction of the Lib Dems (UK)
Subject: RE: BS: The Destruction of the Lib Dems
The fuckwits, sorry Lib/Dems have never acted as a buffer, they do what Dave tells them period. Nick Clegg seems to be the only person in the world who can't see where the blame lays for their disasterous showing in the polls.

He sold his soul and morals for five years of power [ he thinks ] He even shafted the people in his own constituency and now he seems surprised at the good kicking he's been given, blaming government policys but never himself, the man is either a liar or a fool.

Where are you from Shimrod ? that you can call the vast majority of the British electorate ' brainwashed twits ' I voted in favour of AV but I accept the will of the people, is it a case of " I'm right and the rest of the world is wrong " you are sounding more like Maggie Thatcher all the time.

Dave H