The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #137668   Message #3149709
Posted By: MGM·Lion
07-May-11 - 07:39 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Destruction of the Lib Dems (UK)
Subject: RE: BS: The Destruction of the Lib Dems
I agree, Dave H. I am constantly astounded how those who call themselves democrats can make such a to-do when the δεμσϛ makes a decision distasteful to their own almighty doctrinaire egalitarianism. Shimrod, & such, should be ashamed of perpetually expressing such patronising, condescending, knowall, we·know·best attitudes to the indubitable and undeniable will of the majority.

I have, btw, always been amused by the constant desperate repetition of the myth of our having a "3-party system". There haven't been more than 2 since the 30s. The Libs/LibDems have been nowhere near government since. The fortune all those poor buggers must have lost in deposits! & at last, when it finally looked as if they might be in a position for some sort of "power-sharing" or "holding the balance", look what happens!

And Labour have demonstrated repeatedly that they are rubbish in government tho can make an effective, excess-controlling, opposition. Which just leaves what the populace have time & again come to their senses to recognise as our natural government.

All IMO of course. But I think my rundown of past events will hold...
