The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #137668   Message #3149710
Posted By: Musket
07-May-11 - 07:39 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Destruction of the Lib Dems (UK)
Subject: RE: BS: The Destruction of the Lib Dems
I reckon the vote was convincing enough. The majority of those who bothered to vote voted to keep first past the post.

That doesn't make the majority of voters tribalistic idiots , it makes the moaners undemocratic. It is ok to not be happy with the outcome, but in a democracy you accept it, however reluctantly. Voting is not just about before the event, but by voting, you are part of a voting system and take group ownership of the outcome.

Clegg called AV a miserable little compromise till he had to compromise himself. Surely he can see the irony?

No, perhaps not.

One thing I do agree with Shimrod about is that Labour are not fit to govern just yet, and seem to be better in opposition than in power. (Mind you, up till a year ago, Vince Cable was the voice of reason and common sense........)

But this propped up Tory government relies on neither of the coalition partners trusting Labour to get us out of the economic situation we are in. I firmly believe that it can be helped by a strong economy every bit as much as austerity measures, even more so.

But you know what bugs me more than anything?   That ANY party, once the books are balanced will squander it by spending to bribe voters and put us back under the cosh.

AV, FPTP, any system you like, makes no difference. Ministers like to bribe us in the last budget before an election. That is why they are going too far too fast. They don't want to balance the books, they are just looking as ever to the next election.

Vote how you want, I guarantee you will get the government.