The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #137668   Message #3150241
Posted By: Darowyn
08-May-11 - 04:38 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Destruction of the Lib Dems (UK)
Subject: RE: BS: The Destruction of the Lib Dems
I stood as a Lib Dem candidate in the local elections- unsucessfully as you might expect. In fact it was sitting members who were re-elected- mostly Independents round here as it happens. That is the way it goes with local issues.
But if you think that this week's results mean that the party is wiped out then you have it very wrong.
Lib Dems are at their best on local issues and in direct contact with the electorate.
I am now living in an area where there is no party branch, no organisation and only two Lib Dem activists in the town, yet still gained a vote that did not come near a humiliating defeat.
Underlying Liberal Democratic philosophy is a generosity of spirit (liberality) and a genuine respect for democracy.
A reflex desire to punish an unpopular government coalition is a passing fancy. The wheel will turn. There is time to organise locally and to rebuild morale.
Down is a good place to start if you intend to go up.
Stop pointing fingers and playing the blame game. If you believe in Liberalism and Democracy, do something about it!
Or is that just less fun than squabbilng on the internet?