The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26207   Message #315036
Posted By: katlaughing
09-Oct-00 - 06:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bush/Gore Round 1, continued
Subject: RE: BS: Bush/Gore Round 1, continued
Do that, Mary, and you could say goodbye to any rights a woman has over her body. I don't advocate late-term abortions, but I also do not advocate control over what women can do with their bodies.

Last time we elected a president, less than 40% of elgible voters participated. That was the lowest it had been since 1924; before that, the lowest had been in 1824. I think it is sad and pathetic that not enough people take advantage of this very fundemental right of citizenship.

I understand that a large percentage of young people from 18-24 esp. feel that elections have no effect over their lives. There are any number of reasons pointed out as to why this might be including political immaturity.

I also heard that voter turnout has steadily declined in the past century because politicians did what they could to make it difficult to vote.

Whatever the reasons, I cannot fathom the desire to not vote. If everyone who is elgible woudl vote we might actually see a real representation of a majority of the people. Now wouldn't that be something?
