The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #137668   Message #3150396
Posted By: Stringsinger
08-May-11 - 01:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Destruction of the Lib Dems (UK)
Subject: RE: BS: The Destruction of the Lib Dems
Translator needs to be summoned for Across the Pond language.

But the U.S. has our Tories also. Called Repuglicans.

AV (alternative voting) would be a gift for U.S. politics for the people.

Why choose incessantly between the "lesser of two evils" which is now being amalgamated
into a single party here controlled by Wall Street and the MIC?

It gives football fans something to do in assessing political parties.

Problem with Nader is that he is a consumer "gadfly" well-needed but not good presidential material because he is not relevant.

The Lib/Dems in the U.S. are being destroyed through movement toward the mythical "Center" which is a euphemism for the assumption of Conservative values by Americans. Instead of a crack in the vase, the vase is melting away.