The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136420   Message #3150593
Posted By: Greg F.
08-May-11 - 08:41 PM
Thread Name: BS: 2012 Presidential Election
Subject: RE: BS: 2012 Presidential Election
Doug doesn't understand most things - he's a non-cerebral, nonthinking individual, taking his uncritical cue from Faux News and the Republican shock-jocks & tasking heads..

He seems to think there is some "philosophical" difference between lies & bullshit and facts & truth, rather than an absolute difference.

He will dodge & weave & claim that "Mommy, Johnny hit me first" - which might be expected of a two year old, but is inappropriate- to say the least- for an adult.

Another standard tactic of his is the many lies our current president...Yes, I know, you will reply (if at all), "Name them." They are too numerous to mention. which means, translated into English, he has no examples to provide.

No point tryig to reason with the brain dead - beat to ignore Douggie-boy completely..