"Best Answer - Chosen by Asker Good heavens, we can see who has spent time washing dishes and actually putting them away.
Yes, round plates used to be the easiest to manufacture, round plates were the easiest shape to control when working with clay, which can warp if it doesn't dry slowly and evenly. But it's probably not a big deal now.
"Round plates are the most common because they are the most popular. And they are the most popular, in my opinion, because round plates are easest to use: They are the easiest shape to use, wash, and store. You don't have to check which way they go except "right-side up." --The food can go on the plate anywhere in the middle and it won't matter because the edge will be the same distance all around. --Round plates are easier to wash, you can use the same washing motion with your hand, every time, because the shape is always the same no matter where you are holding it. --Round plates are easiest to store. Ever tried to stack a lot of square or rectangular containers?
"They are practical, which is why it is high-end luxury to have plates that are oddly shaped. btw, oval plates are used by restaurants to help make foods look like larger portions, and so that everyone's plates will fit on the table. Source(s): way too many years of washing dishes and putting them away."