The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #137668   Message #3151969
Posted By: Musket
11-May-11 - 06:40 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Destruction of the Lib Dems (UK)
Subject: RE: BS: The Destruction of the Lib Dems (UK)
Yeah but let's be honest. Your message above is wonderful! Somebody (happened to be me) points out that this thread has drifted and you reply in a way designed to wind me up. Can't happen sorry. I am at home recovering from an operation so apart from having too much time on my hands, I am also pumped up with happy pills and want to be every bugger's friend.

When a debate descends to such levels, it is case closed. Ok, perhaps not for those who are enjoying the ride, but for those who were curious or interested in the original subject matter, I reckon case closed just about sums up my opinion.

To be honest, I don't subscribe to having to be civilised in such debates, and love the freedom that I could enjoy if I went by anything other than my own name. But my lack of anonymity precludes revealing whether I think you or Richard Bridge is being the most absurd.

Godwin's Law is, if taken academically, relative to Hitler / 3rd Reich comparisons and I did note that this debate hasn't got there just yet. But if you take the spirit of said Law then the protagonists, your good self included, appear to be revelling in it.

Of course, as most points in the second half of this thread are verging on the pedantic, perhaps the spirit is unwelcome?
