The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #137668   Message #3152084
Posted By: Richard Bridge
11-May-11 - 10:09 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Destruction of the Lib Dems (UK)
Subject: RE: BS: The Destruction of the Lib Dems (UK)
The LDs have some mighty hills to climb.

As I understand it, they are getting stuck into the conservative plans to enable the rich to buy university places pretty ferociously and the conservative climb-down may have started - to the extent that I wonder if it was not an intentional Aunt Sally.

On the NHS, however, all the present signs are that the "reflection" on the conservative privatisation plans is merely a smokescreen, and that Clegg will to consider the nuclear option to stop that train.

The reductions reported in disability allowances for even those Bonzo could not call scroungers (we all know that in his heart Dickie Blackshirt would support a eugenics programme) should prove another litmus test for the LDS.

IMHO the LD's have totally betrayed those who voted for them and that it will take much longer than one term to rebuild trust - so at the next erection once we have seen the full measure of the suffering the conservatives intend to cause the anticonservative vote should be more united - but the LDs do have an excellent opportunity to start thier rehabilitation afforded by Kent's recent disgraceful treatment of - what was the phrase - "mongs and mingers"