The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126523   Message #3152512
Posted By: Joe Offer
12-May-11 - 01:02 AM
Thread Name: Aine's Mudcat Songbook PermaThread
Subject: SB: We Can't Take Any More by Mary G

We Can't Take Any More by Mary G

Mary G's Comments:  Here's a song about refugee kids I worked with . . . names are real.

Maybe from Galway and maybe Saigon
The ships to American sail right along
And the first words they hear on America's shore
Go away go away we can't take any more

For it's getting too crowded here under the flag
And you're noisy and dirty and carry the plague
So we will tell you what our folks heard before
Go away go away we can't take any more

Someday I'll ask every young refugee
Where did you come from and what did you see
What sorrow what famine what slaughter what war
How much did you take till you couldn't take more

So Carlos and Dang and Phat and Rashid
And Tuck and Mohammed grow up with good speed
And forget when we met you we ranted and swore
Go away go away we can't take any more

And when you are citizens duly sworn in
You'll go down to where others before you have been
And greet the next ship to America's shore
Go away go away we can't take any more.