The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126523   Message #3152531
Posted By: Joe Offer
12-May-11 - 01:24 AM
Thread Name: Aine's Mudcat Songbook PermaThread
Subject: SB: Why Barky's Not At Work Today by Mbo

Why Barky's Not At Work Today by Mbo

Oh dear Infamous Amos, how could you be so mean? 
By sitting here a-writing songs on your computer screen? 
While Barky-lass is out now at the setting of the sun 
And fixing computers or Saturday night instead of having fun?

Oh the hard life of a teenager--it never ends, I fear 
I'm still feeling it myself, though older by 6 year 
Yer parents make you work all night when you wish to play

**accidentally drops pick in guitar** Dang, come on you little blighter! **Shakes the guitar violently upside-down until pick skitters out** Ahh.. now where was I?

And when you do they chew you out, in a most annoying way 
While secretly you're not listening to a single word they say!

And worst of all, and most of all, they always get upset 
When you're supposed to work and instead you surf the net! 
And especially the Mudcat, with all it's grace & charms 
Will draw you like a magnet into it's awaiting arms!

So parents all around the world, take this word from me 
Berate not your poor children, for I'd much rather see 
Us kids all surfing Mudcat, writing songs and more 
Because the work we have to do is really quite a bore!

Matthew Richards (2000)