The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127472   Message #3153634
Posted By: Sawzaw
13-May-11 - 06:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
Author: Bobert
Date:   01-25-09 21:30

Ahhhhhh, the "Code Book"...

Problem is that racism is so institutionalized in the deep South that folks there ***honestly*** don't know they are part of it... Yeah, one needs to get outta that environment to get it...

I know that P-Man ain't got a clue what I'm talkin' about here... There is a cultural denial... We have a lot of it here in Page County, Va. as well...

"Well, Geeze, Bobert... We have lived and worked with these Negros for generations and we're over that stuff... It's you Yankees that ain't got a clue..." (lol)... No, not really on either the "lol" or the standard company fight song... I've heard that song for the last 40 years and guess what??? the per capita poverty rates are higher where ya'll say that yer over all that stuff than in the rsst of the country... There's a reason for this... It's called...

... institutional racism and it is ingrained in alot of people who think they are above that...

"Some of my best friends are black..."

Oh??? Then why is it that ya'll don't worship together??? Or hang out at the same beer joints??? Or go the car races together??? [Bobert puts out a sweeping generalization]

I don't buy ya'lls company fight song...

But that's all in the "Code Book" where ya'll get all righteously indignant when in less than 3 days P-Man is ready to make the proclamation [he procllaim anything, Left Wing Politico did but Bobert puts those words into someone else's mouth] that Obama's administration is the most secretive since WW II???

I mean, what is any thinking person to think???

"Hmmmmm, Ralph, seems that P-Man didn't give the guy much of a chance, did he???"

Well, no he didn't...

Nor has Rush Limbaugh who ahs allready said on the radio that he hopes that the Obama presidency "fails"....[meaning everybody who disagrees with Bobert agrees with RL and they are responsible for what he says]

"Hmmmmm, Ralph... Wouldn't that mean millions and millions of Americans loosing their jobs and their homes... Doesn't it mean a real possibility of the US economy just imploding???"

Well, yeah (spit)... But if it gets that ________________ outta our White House then it will be worth it...


So ya'll righties want to see the country sink further in the recession to get the "nigga" out??? [now Bobert puts his favorite racist words into other people's mouths so he can accuse them of being racist]

Seems that's the new company fight song seein' as it's been blessed by Rush hisself...

No, I coulda accepted if P-Man had waited a month 'er two before the gang-bang but after 3 days??????????????????????????????????

Give me a break... No "Code Book" needed here... This is a case of institutional/cultural racism... I mean, even a couple weeks...

But to lob such generalizations less than a 100 hours into a new presidency as P-Man can't be seen as anything but what it is...

Hey, I hate this, too... I gave George Bush a million times more respect than what P-Man has given Obama...[any examples of that?]

This ain't about no name callin'... This is observation...[subjective or objective?]

I ain't lookin' to play no "race card"... It's allready been played and it was played with all the down and dirty righteous indignation that I rememebr seein' on TV as a kid when the black folks marched on Selma... [I thought Bobert said he was there participating]

Too bad... This joint is a blues site... Would sho nuff be nice if folks who came here understood what Selma was all about 'cause the blues ain't white music. It's black folk music that we white folks have taken up but we white folks didn't start it... That's a fact...

I mean, I don't know what else to say other than if'n yer into puttin' out sweepin' generalizatios about Obama before the jury has even heard the case then this ol' hillbilly gonna call ya' on it...

Hate ot have to do it but folks had to march on Selma, too...

And that ***is*** the way it is...[take Bobert's word for it or else]

Give the guy a friggin' chance and turn Rush the fu*k off and listen to some good blues instead...

Re: Washinton D.C. this week
Author: parchman
Date:   01-25-09 21:51


The problem isn't code words or institutionalized racism or subconscious racism.

The problem is that you project your own racist thoughts on the rest of the world. Stop accusing others of subscribing to your own personal prejudices. Some of us don't worry about race; we actually look at the man's words and deeds and consider him based on those. It's obvious you are not able to do that and instead filter the world through your own bigoted glasses.