The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113010   Message #3153979
Posted By: akenaton
14-May-11 - 10:57 AM
Thread Name: BS: Glasgow earthquake!
Subject: RE: BS: Glasgow earthquake!
What the fuck has this to do with the Scottish Nationalists being elected by a landslide?

Sectarianism, especially in the west of Scotland is historic and was rooted in working class politics, both Conservatives and Labour blatantly used the sectarian card to consolidate their support.
I have never heard religious prejudice used by anyone associated with Scottish Nationalism.......It has always been the preserve of rabid Unionists or the Labour local government mafia.

I have been voting Nationalist for a few years now, as I see an Independent Scotland as becoming clear of association with UK global warmongering and Unionist sectarianism.

Thankfully, as I stated earlier, even the most "tribal" areas of Glasgow have been transferring their allegiance the the SNP.

I think they have finally sussed   "the old divide and rule"