The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #137964   Message #3156558
Posted By: Reinhard
18-May-11 - 05:07 PM
Thread Name: ADD: Oh You Weary Cutters/O the Weary Cutters^^^
Subject: RE: Oh you weary Cutters
Ray Fisher's version from her album Willie's Lady is in the Digital Tradition.

She commented in the liner notes:

'I first heard this song from Mrs Pat Elliott, of the famous Elliotts of Birtley, Co. Durham. I recall her telling me that she had obtained it with help from Louis Killen. There is a reference made to The Lousy Cutter in Bruce & Stokoe's Northumbrian Minstrelsy (1882) containing two verses similar to those in this song. It is a coincidence that in the notes of a tune called The Wedding o' Blyth, which appears alongside the Lousy Cutter text, Bruce and Stokoe describe the aforementioned tune as a 'weary' one.

    Here we have a strong social comment on the feelings of the ordinary folk towards 'press-ganging' and the lengths to which people would go in order to avoid being recruited.

    I introduce this song with a single verse which was taken down by Mr Thomas Doubleday, of Newcastle; he was unable to recover any more of the ballad. Captain John Bover, who died in 1782, had indulged in 'harsh and tyrannical measures' [quoted from Northumbrian Minstrelsy] in order to furnish the British Navy with 'pressed' men.'