The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135122   Message #3156742
Posted By: Donuel
18-May-11 - 10:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: F**k Comcast!!!
Subject: RE: BS: F**k Comcast!!!
Comcast/NBC/Universal Theme Park/Film distributor/silent print news owner, all constitutes a Media Monopoly that will rival FOX while being on the same Uber rich control side as FOX.

The fact that Comcast seeks absolute ownership of media delivery, Universal theme parks and newspaper content, including denial of targeted media in TV and film, should ring bells of anti trust violations.

It does not. The people in charge of enforcing such regulations are probably making more money in a Swiss account from Comcast than from their own salaries. Often the corruption is merely a promise of riches after government service ends.

Remember when Bond and Stock rating companies said bundled mortgage derivitive securites were A+#1 best buy opportunities, get em while they're hot!?
Its the same for the justice dept and regulatory agency directors. When they on the golf course with Comcast reps, the quid quo pro that goes on is criminal...literally.

As much as I like the guy, Obama is merely a caddy to Goldman Sachs.

We are living in the Neo Gilded Age that deep down acts as if this time, there really is no tommorrow.

maybe they know something we don't.