The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26279   Message #315756
Posted By: Lonesome EJ
10-Oct-00 - 06:02 PM
Thread Name: John Lennon's Birthday
Subject: RE: John Lennons Birthday
to Liam Gallagher...

"I knew John Lennon,and you,Sir,are no John Lennon."

John was stubborn.He was idealistic,and naive,and full of nervous energy.He had a temper like a snake,and you could see it in his eyes when someone pissed him off.He recognized no barriers.He was funny,and often it spilled over into irreverence,and sarcasm too.He could be mean,and patronizing.But he was familiar with most of his faults,and consciously tried to overcome them.He had the gift of complete a woman,to a band,to his music,to his ideals.Even a bullet couldn't stop him.He is more alive today through his music than many people who are walking around on two legs.He shines on.