The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26003   Message #315796
Posted By: Eric the Viking
10-Oct-00 - 06:41 PM
Thread Name: Countdown to Llanstock
Subject: RE: Countdown to Llanstock
There is one important question that hasn't been asked here and at the risk of getting shouted at, here goes.......

Are the sheep pretty?

And why does everbody need wellies?

That's two questions

My third and final question tonight is.......

Do I need to bring my wellies? They're green,

Does it make any difference?

That's four questions....blast it! NO MORE QUESTIONS

except.....would they be better if they were black?

Stop it! this is getting too silly and I didn't come here for an arguement!!

Goodnight all.

Only 3 days to go.............