The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #5512   Message #31581
Posted By: Barry Finn
28-Jun-98 - 10:31 PM
Thread Name: Origin: All for Me Grog
Subject: RE: All for me grog
Vice Admiral Sir Edward Vernon, England's hero of the 1739 War Of Jenkins's Ear, was nickname Old Grog because of an impressive grogam cloak he wore on deck in all weather. In 1740 with half the punishments handed down by the Brittish Navy involved drunkeness, Old Grog issued an order, to curb the drunkness on board ships of his own command, that rum be diluted with water, 1/2 pint rations, split to be given 6 hrs apart, in anger & protest this mix bares his nickname, this became the ration for the Royal Navy. Rum will also not stay long after being watered down, so there'd be no use to try & save up rations. Here's to your health, Barry